Luxshan Ratnaravi

Agile Coach


Luxshan holds an M.Sc. in Software Engineering and is an independent Agile Coach. His mission is to help more people use humor actively address what really happens when the good intentions of agile meet the harsh reality of organizational contexts–and making it work.
Having held jobs as Sales Engineer, IT Business Analyst, Product Owner, Release Train Engineer and Agile Coach for the last 15 years, Luxshan relentlessly challenges organizations and consultants to cut the agile BS, to use humor more actively to address shortcomings, and to balance being pragmatic and idealistic based on what the context calls for.


Comic Agilé - Using Agile Antipatterns to Ensure Quality

In this keynote, the writer of Comic Agilé, Luxshan Ratnaravi, will take the audience through a visual and provocative journey of agile antipatterns and misunderstandings, told through his tragicomic comic strips in a highly entertaining fashion. Luxshan’s points and lessons will be relatable to QA practitioners, IT managers, developers and anyone else who find themselves as victims of agile ways of working, no matter if it’s called Scrum, Kanban or SAFe, and who see how trying to build-in quality in these approaches often fail miserably in a sea of bullshit bingo.

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